Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Posted by Bobby Beck at 9:05 AM
My Blog has moved

I'm excited to announce the rebirth of my site I've incorporated a new blog into the site, migrated all my old posts from this blog over and will no longer be updating this one.

I look forward to seeing you over on the new site, hearing your incredible comments and I thank you for your loyal readership.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Posted by Bobby Beck at 1:32 PM
A happy day

A very VERY happy day to hear John Lasseter talking about Animation Mentor in such an incredible way. In all honesty I'm just happy he even knows about AM! WOOOT!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Posted by Bobby Beck at 10:34 AM
Animation Mentor: The Journey

I'm so proud of Animation Mentor and all the lives and dreams we help to shape. I feel very honored to get to do this work and feel inspired by the passion every one of our students has. Here is a great video put together by our outstanding video team. It was their concept to put this together and they have done an outstanding job. So stoked!!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Posted by Bobby Beck at 9:12 AM
Spielberg on animators

Blast from the past. 12 frames per second might be nodding to doing 24 frames per second on 2's. I wonder if he still feels this way?
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Posted by Bobby Beck at 9:34 AM
TED ED: looking for animators

Great concept. Combines my two loves of education and animation. Check it out and see if it's something you'd be interested in!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Posted by Bobby Beck at 9:43 AM
The Story of Animation

A buddy of mine, and ex-Pixar animator, Dave Tart, directed a great film in a VERY cool, missed style of animation. Check it out here for a little inspiration!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Posted by Bobby Beck at 3:41 PM
A couple of thoughts

I've spent a chunk of time over the last 6 weeks looking and commenting on peoples animation. It's been a TON of fun and I'm enjoying it greatly. I wanted to share a couple of thoughts I hope can help you out in your work.

1. A lot, and I mean A LOT, of people seem to end their shots in a superman type pose. It's either one hand on hip, both hands on hips, chest puffed out, or some derivative of this. There are SO many options people have and I see a lot of people defaulting to this cliche.

2. The next one is a continuation of #1. Many people have their characters stop by the end of their shots. In production we're always asked to animate "handles." Generally you animate 10ish frames before and after your shot. This does a few things:
a. It keeps the motion blur working up past the shot so that it doesn't magically stop by frame 123; i.e. end of the shot
b. It also helps make it feel like the character is alive and not perfectly animated within a box of time If a song ends when it's over, an animation needs to cut out at a place where the song is not quite finished.

Just some things to think about as you approach your new shot.